Integrated Defense
European directivesOur company follows the directives approved by the European Commission regarding the "INTEGRATED DEFENSE" which provides very precise intervention criteria and limitations of use.

Intervention criteria
Specialized agronomistOnly after a careful observation of atmospheric and climatic phenomena, or by investigations carried out in the field to observe one rather than another disease, the agronomist who follows us advises us on what to do.

Limitations of use
Only products of minimum toxicityWe intervene only in the case of actual need by reducing the number of treatments to be carried out to the minimum necessary and, in any case, using only products of minimum toxicity.

Grass cover practice
Organic fertilizerWe avoid using all-round herbicides by adhering to the practice of grassing which limits not only the pollution of the soil, but also combats the erosion phenomena caused by the rains that lately are increasingly violent. In addition, the autumn fertilizations we make are completely natural using organic fertilizer.